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If you get an email from a KellyAnn from USEA, this is not spam. Please respond to her email. Thank you!

Benefits of AESP since 2019: ​
employees have received a combined increase of a 30% in cost-of-living wages.
jury duty compensation.
job study review for each job to be evaluated every 5 years instead of ten!
improved policies in personal, family leave, bereavement, health & disability, and opportunities for educational advancements.
movement and increases in clerical/office, technology, transportation, paras, hourly custodial, facilities and maintenance educational advancement, nutrition managers and hourly, print services.
EVERY YEAR , the members of the Negotiation Team meet to discuss and decide the yearly increases, improve policies and procedures, as well as working conditions in our district.
EVERY MONTH the President of the Association meets with the Superintendent, HR, and other admin. to address concerns and positive things happening in our district from support staff.
Our executive board meets monthly to bring concerns from each job family.
Our State Association representatives go to Legislative Sessions advocating for educational support professionals.
Yearly Scholarships offered for further education for support professionals and their families.
Outstanding Educational Support Professional Award also given each year and USEA also offers an Award.
You can have representation if you need someone to intercede in your behalf with your supervisors.
There are discounts and benefits for members that will off-set your dues.
There should be an Association Representative in each department, and ideally in each building. If you are interested in being a representative, please contact us.
NO DUES MONEY is ever given to support political parties.
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